Friday, August 2, 2013

I was supposed to put together roll dough on Wednesday night for quilting on Thursday (8/1) but I was too tired.  I decided to just pick something up at the grocery store on my way Thursday morning…but when I got up  I said ‘don’t be so lazy’…and put together the dough.  I added in a bunch of Italian herbs, and extra garlic powder, and set it to rise while I took off on my bike ride.  By the time I got home, the entire house smelled like I was baking tons of garlic!!!  I was afraid I overdid it, but by the time I baked them at quilting for our lunch, the garlic had mellowed out and everyone really enjoyed them.  I finally packed up everything and left for quilting…and what a surprise once I got there.  One of our members sent us an email some weeks ago about a quilter selling all of her fabric….well, anything that didn’t sell, Geri brought to quilting…and there was a TON of fabric!!!  We all helped to sort it out, and then picked out the pieces we wanted….Geri was selling them for 50 cents per piece….regardless of whether that piece was 3 yards long…what a score!  We had a really fun time and I even got some knitting done on a new baby sweater, before it was time for lunch.  For the first time in the 3 years (4 years?) I have been going….NO ONE BROUGHT A DESSERT!!!  Too funny…never happened before.  Several people brought cut up fruit salads, and for me that was better than any other dessert you could have.  I got home around 1:30 and ended up picking up Jan so that we could talk while we ran a few errands, then it was home to leftovers for dinner.  Anne came over to return a few casserole dishes and told me that she and Bryce had had my enchilada casserole for dinner and both really loved it!!!  That made me feel great…the only bad news is…I think I made it up out of leftovers and have no idea how to re-create it L.  Oh well….Michael and I read for bit in the evening, then watched a bit of TV before bed.

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