Wednesday, August 21, 2013

roses in the rain, crape myrtle, Elsi & Cookie, pizza

It rained overnight and when I went out Monday morning (8/19) I just had to try to get some pictures of a few of our roses with the raindrops:

They have about 10 blooms on them again…even if they are 6 feet tall:

And we’ve decided that we could hold weddings on our front walk…under the crape myrtle canopy:

 Anyway, Michael left (with crossed fingers against the rain) for golf and I made a smoothie and headed downstairs to watch a bit of TV while eating my breakfast…I had company:

I love this shot showing the cat paw stroking Cookie's back!

again, another shift in position a little later

Just after 10 I left for the volunteer meeting.  We had a speaker…..someone I haven’t seen for FIVE years!!!  I was so excited to see her again….hope we can have lunch in the near future.  She is now executive director of the Pregnancy Crisis Center in a nearby town.  After to listening to all she said, and hearing how she is running the center, I am HIGHLY motivated to do some baby clothes.  Maybe once I finish my box of hats for the elementary school, the baby stuff will be my next project J.  I got home and had time for a really fast lunch before I picked up Pat and we headed off to the machine embroidery club.  There were only 6 members there (because a lot are traveling over the summer), but the discussion was wonderful!

Michael ended up getting rained out in the morning, but decided to try to get in a few holes when I came home from the meeting.  I sautéed mushrooms, onions and green peppers while he was gone and we built an incredible pizza for dinner:

before baking


after baking
After dinner I did a bit of work on the coasters, then headed upstairs to be with my honey.


1 comment:

  1. The flowers are simply BEAUTIFUL. I am changing my thoughts that Sun City would be too restrictive for my gardening desires. It sure seems like you have plenty of plantings.


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