Saturday, June 4, 2011


Michael and Phil are playing in a tournament on Tuesday (at a private country club), so they left early Friday morning to play a practice round (just like the pro’s!) 

I know you will find this hard to believe, but I have never owned an ice cream maker (really….I’m not kidding…there ARE still a FEW pieces of kitchen equipment I don’t actually own!)  Anyway, the King Arthur Flour Blog had a recipe for Chocolate Decadence Ice cream (a DARK chocolate flavor) and it sucked me RIGHT in!!!  (and the 97 degree temperatures didn’t hurt either!)  Michael and I both LOVE dark chocolate and the other good thing about it is that it uses milk and not cream, so we could use Michael’s lactaid milk to make it.  So, Michael picked up an ice cream maker (on sale) during his errands on Thursday and I got the chocolate ‘pudding mixture’ made Friday morning before my knitting students arrived.  I had fun helping Jan and Beth and Penny, but once they left at 12:20, it was a whirlwind of activity.  I got onion buns made for the cookout, along with an almond cake and a quinoa salad with lemon, basil and mint flavorings, all from my own garden.  Gale and Phil and Bill and Beth

showed up at 5:30 (you can see the remnants of the cake on the table, wish I had thought to take a picture before we cut it!)….and Gale brought an incredible looking cake for dessert: a layer of cake, then whipped cream, then blueberries and strawberries, then another set of layers.  It was GORGEOUS looking and tasted even better!  So….we didn’t make the ice cream.  We had burgers on the grill as our main ‘dish’  and we sat around and talked for several hours after dinner.  It was a very enjoyable evening.

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