Monday, June 6, 2011

Jan had a meeting in Pineville on Sunday morning, and I went with her so that I could stop in to Dollar General to pick up a few things.  When I got home, Michael was out practice golfing and I sat down to read the Sunday paper.  I read my book after that, and finally finished  it.  It was the last book in the ‘clan of the cave bear’ series, and I have to agree with the negative reviews written on AMAZON for this book.  Jean Auel’s previous 5 books were also loaded with detail about the Neanderthal time frame that the books covered, but that detail was just a supporting player in the story about the people involved.  The first 5 books were much more than details of the plants and caves and countryside; they talked about the relationships of everyone in the story.  This latest book seems like it could almost have been a reference book about the time, with a few sentences thrown in about the people we have come to know and care about.  It was a VERY disappointing end to the Ayla saga.  I spent a good bit of the afternoon working on our finances.  Our current bank is being taken over by another bank and they have decided to start charging for both checking and savings accounts.  We went shopping last week and found a new bank…but there is a lot of work involved in getting changed over.   Since we pay almost all of our bills on- line, I had to set up all of the accounts in the new bank’s on-line bill pay.  Finally around 3:30 I got to have some fun by going back to my sewing.  I worked on the leftover squares Michael had arranged, but it’s going to take me probably another week to 2 weeks to get the whole thing sewn together.  At 8 PM we moved my loom upstairs so that I could weave while we watched an animated movie that came out awhile ago: ‘cloudy with a chance of meatballs’.

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