Friday, February 7, 2014

Quilt shown at Scrap Happy Quilters

I packed up the car Thursday morning (2/6) and headed off to quilting.  I knit while I was there, which gave me a great opportunity to see a quilt show.  Some members of our group also belong to another group.  They spent a year exchanging many colors of strips in 2 different sizes, then a second year seeing how many quilts they could come up with…all different patterns.  These quilts were beautiful!  Truly not a bad one in the bunch…and all so different.  I wish I had had my camera there…..Barrie did take one picture for me (I thought maybe I could use it as a pattern for some of my charity quilts):

Loree followed me home to get some help on her tumbling blocks…we got a few cuts made from her 2 strips and viola….we placed them correctly on the table and she had 3 tumbling blocks…it was so cool!  I got a bunch of pyrex & corelle baking dishes purged from my kitchen cabinets, but it was all given away before I got a picture  L (but at least my cabinets are emptier, and that’s all that matters J).  By the time I got a chance to sit down and talk to Michael…he was very unhappy.  He has been looking forward to trying out for THE SUNSHINE BOYS for months….he saw an advance copy of the theatre schedule sometime last August and has been doing everything he can to find out when auditions were.  He even got a copy of the script and started memorizing the part he wanted.  He really didn’t think he’d get the part, but he wanted to do everything he possibly could to make it happen.  He also didn’t try out for any other play that would have interfered with his chance to get this part.  Yesterday morning the audition notice came out…and it stated that the 2 main characters had already been cast L.  Michael was very upset.  He decided he needed some laughs, so we headed into NODA to see our friend Polly in BOEING, BOEING.  It was a farce about a Frenchman who was engaged to 3 air hostesses, on 3 different airline runs so that he could keep them apart.  Of course you know what happened….a storm, a change in the flight schedule and all 3 gals ended up in his apartment at the same time.  It was a perfect mood changer, but we were glad to finally get home and into bed at 11:30PM.

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