Sunday, February 9, 2014

Elsie & Cookie, Nancy H, b-day cake, baby sweater

Michael left early for breakfast and then an ear appointment on Friday (2/27) while I watched Miss Marple and knit….he came home, changed clothes and headed out for 18 holes of golf here at SCCL while I watched another Miss Marple and knit (I know….B-O-R-I-N-G!!)  Every time I got up from the sofa to make more tea, or answer the door, or whatever, this is what I found in my spot when I got back:
When we got together at dinner, Michael asked if I had a good day, since he felt he neglected me the entire day and I told him the truth…I had a GREAT day  J.  We had tilapia and baked potatoes for dinner, and he watched TV for most of the evening while I read.
Saturday morning (2/8) saw Michael once again on the golf course (making up for all of the days he has missed this winter due to rain!) and of course, I again was watching Miss Marple and knitting  J.  Luckily, Nancy H stopped by to visit and relieve me of boredom…and then we had the serendipitous pleasure of both finishing our projects!!!!  Here’s Nancy with her newest shawl (these colors are so similar to the scarf I have on my loom): 
and I will have pictures of my creation in a few days.  I got Michael’s birthday cake baked in the afternoon, and made a quick trip to the store for the yoghurt I needed for the frosting. Frosting complete:

and I decided to have a piece of cake instead of dinner (Michael said we HAD to try it to make sure it was good enough to serve to the neighbors!)  We watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in the evening and I finished another baby sweater:

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate cake looks YUM-MEEEEEE !!!! Isn't birthday later in the week ? Baby sweater is very sweet.


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