Saturday, March 10, 2012

pics of Cookie, pillow, purses

Michael played golf again on Thursday (3/8) and on the front 9 (where he got a 50 yesterday) he scorched out a 39!!!!  And with a 43 on the back 9, he came home very happy with an 82.  I took my challenge quilt to quilt guild and several people said that even if they didn’t know it was mine, they would have guessed it; it was so unique.  That made me feel really good.  For the rest of the time there, I continued to work on beading my wall hanging for the living room.  In the afternoon I was still very tired from the trip home Tuesday, so Michael took Cookie for a walk and I got to take a nap on the back porch.  It was wonderful…it was a slightly windy day, so I got to hear the chimes Michael bought me many years ago for my birthday, chiming softly as I drifted in and out of sleep.  I love hearing them.  We had champagne and puffy things for dinner (this was postponed from Tuesday because he drove to the movies Tuesday night) and then he had a short rehearsal and I got to work on a bit of sewing.

My honey took several adorable (I’m not too proud a mama, am I??) pictures of our baby while I was gone…thought you’d like to see them.  This one is labeled - a rare moment of peace and quiet for dad:

and this one is "I found a neat place to find good eats" (she's on the door of the dishwasher in case you couldn't tell).

this one says 'fire the maid, there's still a speck on the carpet':

 and this one just says 'I am so cute you can't possibly be mad at me for chewing up that ball of yarn':

Friday morning (3/10) we had a vet appointment at 9 AM, to finally get Cookie started on her inoculations.  We were home around 9:30 and got a surprise….Connie (friend and knitting student) showed up for the knitting clinic.  I always held the clinics on Friday mornings….but now I have 2 students who are working, and now that they have finished their beginning knitting classes, I started scheduling the clinics for Saturday mornings.  The only problem is, I never said Saturday in the email…I just put the date.  Connie is not the only one who thought it was Friday!  Anyway, I hadn’t seen her in awhile, so we spent 1/2 an hour talking about knitting and getting news about HER new adorable fuzzy baby!  Once Connie left, I got to finish up a pillow top for a woman who bought one of my wall hangings and wants pillows to match:

and also 3 more purses:

then Michael and I took off for an appointment to pick up his new hearing aid.  This was a 1-1/2 hour waste of time trip.  The equipment to set up his hearing aid suddenly stopped working and there was nothing they could do to fix it….so Michael took me out for a nice lunch before we headed home.  We stopped at Aldi’s for a few groceries and Lowe’s for lots of dirt (it’s time to start seeds and plant lettuce down here) on the way.  Nancy came over for a visit shortly after we arrived (since we didn’t get to see each other on Tuesday) and when she left at 4:45 I hurriedly printed out words for my band music and took off for rehearsal.  We have a gig next Saturday (my second) and I am very excited about everything I am singing.  When I got home around 10 I was just exhausted, so I plopped down on the couch and snuggled with Michael and Cookie until it was time for bed.

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