Sunday, March 25, 2018

Susan & Joe & Evelyn & Phil

As I mentioned before, it seems like none of the videos are included in the emails that are sent.  I will try to keep them to the last thing I post, because otherwise it seems the entire rest of the email is lost.  You must go to the actual blog to see them.  At the bottom of each email, there is a sentence that reads something like ‘you are receiving this because you are subscribed to Food and Fiber Floozie’.  That Food and Fiber Floozie is a link and if you click on it, you will go directly to the blog.  Trust me…the videos are worth it  :~).

I ran to the grocery store first thing Saturday morning (3/24) while Michael was eating his before-golfing omelet.  I needed to get a few things for our dinner & games with the neighbors night.  He left for his 10 AM tee time and I got Sausage Soup in the crockpot and got his yoghurt started in the smaller crockpot and kicked off the dishwasher before heading downstairs.  I spent a bit of time getting the minutes out for quilting before diving back into sewing.  I had company while I was downstairs...playing and playing (videos at the end) before collapsing for a nap:

I got the binding on one side of the second quilt while stitching out a second label, then went to work cleaning up the third quilt.  I didn’t work on one quilt all the way through because my goal was to get everything off of Miss Scarlett so that I could load up the fourth quilt.  I also couldn’t finish the binding without the labels, and I usually don’t want to waste ‘sewing’ time cleaning up labels.  That’s something I can do while watching TV.  I started a third label, unfortunately I ran out of thread so I tried to use a different thread….no go…my machine started to eat the label  :~(.  I will have to run to the store first thing Monday morning to buy more special thread…..I should still be able to finish up the quilts by the end of the week, which is my goal.  I got the third quilt all cleaned up and managed to load and baste the 4th quilt 

before Michael came home from golf.  He was pleased with his score of 83, especially considering that he started and ended his round with doubles bogeys!  He and Cookie came downstairs to check out what was going on:

No one is afraid of anyone anymore  :~).

headed upstairs to finish up dinner and make my cheddar biscuits.  

Susan & Joe 

and Evelyn & Phil 

arrived at 6 PM and we had a simple dinner of soup and biscuits, 

which everyone pronounced delicious!  After that it was an evening of Mexican Train Dominos, 

with a stop for cherry pie ala mode for dessert.

Two adorable videos.....these guys are such fun to watch:

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