Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mexican lunch, Paula sews, Lucy & Ethel

Wednesday (3/28) was a hectic day.  I got my blog out just in time to 
SKYPE with Janice…and we finished up just in time for Paula to pick me up 
to head out to our mammogram appointments.  We headed out for a Mexican lunch afterwards….(yum, except I managed to drip queso TWICE on my newly cleaned top  :~( .  

Paula's nachos

my burrito bowl

and of course chips & queso

We were home around 2 PM and Paula sat down to sew up the bags for the quilts.  She had an idea in her head….and sewed her heart out all afternoon.  

They turned out beautifully and I LOVE them:   

I now have 4 nylon net bags as gift bags, with scraps of my patriotic fabric sewn around all 3 sides of them….they make the quilts look just perfect.  I didn’t pack everything up because I will be showing them for show and tell Thursday at quilting before giving them away.    While Paula was sewing I did manage to totally finish one butterfly on my embroidery machine:  

Michael had sausage soup for dinner (I didn’t really have dinner as I was still so full from lunch) and I got to sew for a bit after dinner (started sewing together the FPF patriotic that has been on my design wall for several days) before heading upstairs to watch TV and veg.

Here's your daily dose of videos...just the girls resting while Paula sews:

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