Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Monthly breakfast, weaving group

OK….apparently when I put in a video, the rest of the email after the video is deleted for some people :~(.  So, you might need to go to the blog directly because the 2 videos I included yesterday of Lucy & Ethel are SUPER cute!!!  Here they are:

Tuesday (3/20) was a super busy day.  Michael and I both hopped up at 7 AM…he to get breakfast and get to the dentist for a crown at 9 AM, and me to get banana bread baked 

and head over to Sally’s for our monthly breakfast.  The whole clan was there:  

Ann Mary & Ginny

Sally & Gale

along with yummy food:  

bagels & lox!!!

spinach quiche

I got home in time to find a few things to get ready for our monthly weaving get together.  I have not woven in 4 years….ever since I got my long arm and lost my warping space, but these ladies are inspiring me!  


Rosalie & Kathy

So, I got my warp measured out with warping posts while they were here.  After they left Edie stopped by to visit with Lucy & Ethel…and to make Cookie feel that she wasn’t being left out:  

Edie & Cookie

I made a tentative placement in the afternoon...we'll see if this ever happens naturally:

Larry picked up Michael at 6:15 PM to see LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER, while I read my book for bit before heading to my studio.  It was a crazy night weather wise….while I was reading we had 2 bouts of really loud thunder…but no rain.  Finally, a torrential downpour happened….weird!  I decided that my FPF patriotic was going to be way too skinny, so I spent a bit of time cutting out another 5 blocks to sew at quilting on Thursday.  I need to keep everything sewn on the same machine.  After that I spent my time sewing together small pieces of batting for eventual inclusion in dog/cat beds for the shelter.  Lucy & Ethel were snug in their new bed downstairs for part of the time:

And playing with a toy for the rest of the time:

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