was up at 6:15 AM on Thursday morning (8/28) to make breakfast for my honey,
who left for golf at 6:45!! I was wide
awake, so just stayed up to get a lot of stuff done. I ended up spending most of the day on ‘badges’
for the next production at the Fort Mill Community Theatre. They needed 3 sheriff’s badge and Joyce
(costume person) called to see if it would be possible for me to do them. Here’s what they look like:
going to buy gold ‘star’ buttons and attach those to the space in the
middle. I also worked on the binding and
label for my small quilt, but didn’t quite get it finished. I made those wonderful wraps for dinner
again, and here’s a tutorial:
thinly slice napa cabbage, carrots & red onion |
toss with 1 tbsp soy sauce & 2 - 3 tbsp hoisin sauce. Layer on tortilla |
top with drained mandarin orange slices |
roll up tightly and serve....YUM! |
read for a bit in the evening and then watched TV.
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