Wednesday, August 20, 2014

baby sweater

Michael was up and out early on Tuesday (8/19) to go to breakfast, then the chiro, then Triple A (planning his father/son trip for golfing at Pebble Beach next year), then CVS then home.  I finally got to sewing around 10…working on the tumbling blocks triangles I cut last week at quilting.  Jan’s grandkids (Rachel and Amy) came over a NOON looking for purse fabric.  They found stuff they liked, and left just before 1 PM, when Joanne picked me up for Stitch & Chat.  I got a ton of solid yellow and solid green yarn wound into center pull balls…but the best news was…there was more free yarn on the table and it was white/yellow/green….so lots of combinations of baby sweaters I can work on!  As soon as I got home from S&C, I jumped in the car and headed to the dentist.  I woke up on Sunday morning with a lot of pain in my jaw….saw dentist, and he said it was dislocated (is Michael practicing for his middle weight boxing title while I’m sleeping???) and I need to go see an oral surgeon.  I picked up a pizza on the way home…I desperately wanted to eat some, but only made it through 1/2 a piece before deciding that I couldn’t even enjoy the taste…due to the pain.  Michael left for the movies THE EXPENDABLES and I picked up Jan in the golf cart for a quick trip to CVS to pick up muscle relaxer pills.  I finished up sewing the smallest size blue and purple tumbling blocks, then watched TV until Michael got home at 10:30.  I DID finish a baby sweater a couple of days ago, and finally got a pic:

1 comment:

  1. I just love your blog --and love UUUUUUU!!


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