Monday, August 18, 2014

garden flowers, tutorial on omelet making

I spent all day Friday (8/9) reading a book (while MIchael was golfing in the second day of his tournament; he personally lost his match, but his overall team won)…and all night watching an oldy but goody movie…WHAT A WAY TO GO. 


Michael picked another beautiful bouquet of garden flowers Saturday morning (8/16),
a second hydrangea blossom....WHOO HOO!!

and we had a lovely breakfast out on the deck.  I spent the rest of the day and the early evening working on my secret project, and I am happy to say that I’m almost finished  :- ).  I also got a bunch of fabric cut for the fidget quilts I hope to make at retreat.  Leftovers again for dinner (the last of the halushki’s….guess I have to start cooking again tomorrow!) and we watched a SYFY movie in the evening.


Michael played golf here at SCCL on Sunday (8/17) and you know what that means?  We will both be screwed up as to what day it is for the rest of the week!!  Last week he played Monday – Thursday – Friday (as opposed to his usual Monday - Wednesday - Saturday)….and all day Saturday both of us thought it was Sunday.  I don’t remember him ever playing on a Sunday….so it’s really going to mess us up this week.  Anyway, he decided to do a tutorial on his omelet making (he usually makes an omelet when he goes golfing). 


swiss cheese

with 2 pieces of rye bread...his favorite
I worked a bit on backs for my fidget quilts, and at 2 PM headed upstairs to make sandwich bread, and 80 servings of my peach crisp.  I am doing a demo at Cooking Fingers on Monday, and need to feed a bunch of people.  Once the 4 pans were made, Michael and I ran them up to the Lake House fridge, and someone will put them in the oven at 10 AM (when I will be in my Volunteer meeting).  Then it was back home to get dinner ready for Gale and Phil, who arrived at 5:30.  We had baked potatoes, crab cakes and 2 salads, and spent a pleasant couple of hours talking.  Once they left, Michael and I spent the rest of the evening reading.

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