Friday, August 8, 2014

garden flowers, garden thyme, pretty kitty, one pot pasta, Jan's granola, piecing batting

Michael picked fresh flowers Tuesday morning (8/5)
before taking the dog for a walk.  I left early to run some errands and didn’t get home until 11:30.  By then, I was STARVING and threw together scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes and jalapeno cheese on sandwich rounds…YUM!!  I just had time to harvest some thyme (I use it in a lot of my wintertime soups),
and BG told the neatest way to strip all of the leaves from the stems.  You pick it all and put it in a freezer bag and throw it in the freezer.  Once it has frozen you bang it on the counter, or I just hit the bag a couple of times with my hand, and the leaves fall off, leaving the stems free to be removed…totally cool!  By then it was time for Joanne to pick me up for Stitch & Chat.  I worked a bit on a baby sweater, and helped a friend pick up a sleeve without getting any holes, and by then it was time to come home.  My beautiful Elsie was sitting so pretty on my reading chair, I just had to snap a pic:
I made one pot pasta for dinner,
roma tomatoes from our garden
then Michael left to pick up Larry to go to the movies…GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, while I stayed home and made clumping granola for Jan
and sewed together the baby sweater.
The golf course here at SCCL was having some sort of non-member tournament on Wednesday (8/6), which is the usual day for the Men’s Club to play….so a group of 72 guys went to Palisades.  Michael left at 7 (they were getting breakfast just before the golf course) and got home at 4 PM (after a delicious lunch of pulled pork sandwiches, cole slaw and potato chips).  He shot 43 on the front and a SCORTCHING 37 on the back for an 80!!!!!  He put together a string of birdie, birdie, par, birdie, birdie!!!  One of the birdies was good for a ‘skin’ worth $40.  AND, he came within 6 inches of what would have been his 4th hole in one.  He DID win closest to the pin on that one for a $25 prize!

My goal on Wednesday was to get the current set of dog beds done before the new long arm machine comes in.  They have to be quilted and off of the rollers before that happens.  I ran out of batting, so proceeded to use up leftover scraps in the middle (that was totally cool). 

some of it is even leftover polar fleece

By 11 AM I was all done quilting :- )…just in time for my SKYPE call with Janice.  We talked for 1-1/2 hours, then I headed over to Jan’s (taking granola and a new library book and picking up a donation check for the school supplies) and on to Nancy’s…where we got to talk for at least an hour and where I picked up her dehydrator for all of my plum tomatoes.  I had lunch when I got home (a fruit smoothie) and read the tomato sections of the books Nancy loaned me.  I think I’m looking at Friday to start processing these tomatoes….I need a day at home to pull it all together.  I spent some of the afternoon doing a bit more paperwork on the school supply drive…I will be VERY glad when this drive is over :- ).  Then I got to have fun and work on my secret project  :- ).  We had leftover one pot pasta for dinner and finally got together at 8 PM to snuggle and watch the boob tube.

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