Tuesday, March 31, 2020

6 quilts ready to go, Lucy

I took another bike ride Monday morning (3/30) as Michael left for golf.  And again I extended my ride just a bit, and will keep to that route for 4 – 5 days until my body becomes adjusted to it!  I got my blog out and ran through my emails before pulling together more quilts.  I have labels pinned on them and the binding in a baggie all ready to go:  

My honey came home just after 1 PM, having scored his personal best on our home course:  SEVENTY-SIX!!!!!  He was thrilled and said everything was just working today!  

I spent all of the day getting my 3 QoV off of the frame and ripping out the basting, burying ends and trimming.  I now have 6 quilts ready to go with binding and labels.: 

I wonder if I’m going to have a ‘helper’ tomorrow:  

now that the pile of quilts has shrunk to 1???


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