Sunday, September 8, 2019

2019 Fiber Floozie Retreat

September 1st – September 6th

Once upon a time 4 women from Connecticut/Massachusetts, and 3 women from North/South Carolina headed out on an adventure to take place in Pennsylvania.  Most of the women had known each other for decades and looked forward to re-connecting, laughing, eating and sewing, sewing, sewing.  This is what is known as the Fiber Floozies Retreat – 2019.  

We packed up our vehicles (and when I say packed….I mean it!):  

and headed out.  

We had great food: 

the traditional rotelle and velveeta
and completed many, many projects while sewing from 6:30 AM until past mid-night:  

Sharon - a new floozie and a welcome addition this year

We received wonderful gifts: 

clips, treats from Maine, car decals, machine cleaning 'q-tips', absorbent coaster, magnetic bowl, a t-shirt

and had expected surprise visitors: 

my college roomie and her hubby, who live in Camp Hill

as well as totally unexpected meetings:  

look closely at the license plate

Bonnie & BG

Bonnie & the rest of us (including Janice's now autographed book!!!)

Yes....all of you quilters should be eating your hearts out right about now!!!  

That is THE Bonnie Hunter of QUILTVILLE:

She put us in her blog:

She was teaching at the classroom across from ours and was SO gracious, and SO nice....every bit as fun and kind as she sounds on her blog!!!  What an unexpected treat  :~).

It is hard to put into words just what this retreat means to us….each year I am truly awed and humbled that my friends are willing to drive for hours and hours just to get together.  

I fully realize that I am the one that moved away, and I have truly deep friendships that I never want to take for granted.  The retreat this year was a bit bittersweet only because we did not book a place (as yet anyway) for next year.  When the more centrally located Grady House closed, we were scrambling for another venue.  For 2 years we have met at Roxbury, but it is a much, much long trip for the southerners than the northerners, so we want to pursue somewhere else.  

We have been meeting for 11 years and each retreat has been more wonderful than I could have imagined.  I am so very fortunate to have these women in my life:

l-r...Mary Jo, June (behind), Leila, me, Janice (kneeling), BG


  1. I spend the year looking forward to our reunions first, then of course the sewing. Having you all as friends is a very warm happy spot in my heart...

  2. It was a great time with an extra happy ending ! Thanks for all the photos and wonderful write up on 'friendship' !


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