Saturday, September 14, 2019

purple quilt loaded, Janice's newest quilt

Friday morning (9/13) I felt like I had about 90% of my energy back, so I was ready to get a few things done.  

Remember this quilt??:  

I found some blocks in a drawer and decided to put something together, and that is what I came up with several months ago.  I got it basted on the longarm:

before Michael and I left for our eye appointments.  We stopped for milkshakes at COOKOUT on the way home….yum…and read our books while enjoying them once we were home.  

I called Janice after that and we had a wonderful time SKYPE-ing until almost 3 PM.  I had planned to kick off the quilting on the new purple quilt, but as Janice and I were signing off, I heard a loud rumble of thunder 
:~(.  There’s no way I would plug in my machine during a thunder storm….so I just sewed on my quilt on the design wall instead:  

I stopped to do intake on another customer quilt and had a lovely visit with Linda, who gave me a gorgeous fall quilt in the Loree pattern  :~).  By then it was time for a late dinner and some TV watching with my honey.

Michael has been working for several weeks to clean off a set of shelves in his art room downstairs.  He finally finished and we got to move the shelves to another wall.  Of course before we put the books we are keeping back on the shelves…they had to be explored:

And here's a preview of Janice's charity quilt...made out of hundreds of tiny scrap blocks (in the tradition of Sandy D!):

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