Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sweet Charity Desserts

Michael was up before 6 AM on Saturday (9/14) and I followed shortly behind as I had a lot to get done.  I got my blog out and my emails done before heading to the kitchen for some baking.  As part of the Sweet Charity fundraiser every year, I make a number of desserts.  This year I committed to 20 servings of chocolate mousse and 20 servings of Baklava Cookies.  I took in another quilt while I was working and my customer got to sample the mousse and my cookies…which she pronounced yummy!!  I also needed a little dessert for later in the evening in case we had company stop by after the FMCP show.  

I never did get a picture of my mousse before delivering it  :~(.  I also got a big pot of my ginger/cinnamon drink made:

Ginger and cinnamon are both anti-inflammatories and the cinnamon is also supposed to help with controlling blood sugar, so I'm glad I like to drink it.

I finished up all of my dessert making and kitchen clean-up by NOON and headed downstairs to start the rest of my domestic chores.  Inez will be here on Wednesday and lots of kitty fur needed to be vacuumed up (of course it will be back by Wednesday….but I can only do what I can do!)  And the bathroom needed cleaning so I hit that as well.  

My honey came home very pleased with his 87, even though he had to play from tees further away than usual.  He wanted to practice from the tees he will be using in the tournament next Wednesday and Thursday.  He ran me up to the Lodge to deliver my desserts...and it was a mad house!!  Everything looked so yummy....I think I might have to get a table next year!

We had a quick dinner before leaving early for Fort Mill Community Playhouse.  Along with 9 other people in our group, we saw a fabulous production of DRIVING MISS DAISY.  The 4 roles could not have been more perfectly cast and they all did an outstanding job.  They got a standing ovation at the end, which they richly deserved.  

We talked to Janice and Tom at the theatre and asked if they wanted to come over for a bit.  We all sat at the kitchen table:  

eating cookies and talking until almost mid-night!!!!!  It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

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