Friday, April 25, 2014

my quilt top

The first thing I did after breakfast on Wednesday (4/23) was to sew the last row onto my quilt top:
My top is just a row shorter than Michael’s.  Now that both tops are done, and Michael and I finally agreed on the third background fabric we bought for the tumbling blocks, I can get back to working on them.  I got a bit of the background cut before picking up Jan at 10.  We had an errand to a sewing machine store, then headed out to lunch…and it was delightful.  We even had a coupon, so one of our lunches was free!!  But the best part was just sitting and talking for over an hour.  We were home by 1:30 and I continued to work on the wall hanging until 9:30 PM when Michael finally said ‘are you ever coming upstairs to watch TV?”  He came down to see how far I had gotten…and we both LOVE it with the background we finally chose.  We watched a bit of TV (and I was so stimulated from the working on the quilt that I knit the entire time we were watching!!) and finally headed to bed around 11.

I went to quilting on Thursday morning (4/24) even though I didn’t want to…I just wanted to keep working on the tumbling blocks!!)  But, I had a really good time talking to everyone.  I came home and had a quick lunch, and started in…sewing and cutting again.  At 5 PM Michael and I got ready and headed into Villa Antonio in Ballentyne for a financial seminar.  It was very good and I have several questions to write to Al (financial planner) about…and the meal was FABULOUS!!!  We were home at 9 and I worked for another hour on the ‘wall’, then collapsed into bed.

1 comment:

  1. cant wait to see the new background for the tumbling blocks! mj


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