Sunday, April 27, 2014

iris, blurry Phil, Larry & Joanne, Elsie & Cookie a duex

When I took the dog out Friday morning (4/25) our iris’s looked spectacular….this picture just doesn’t do them justice, but it’s the best I can do unless you all want to come for a visit J:

We left early for a routine doctor’s appointment for Michael, then we hit LOWE’s for seeds and plants.  We were home around noon and I started some gardening.  Michael also had a follow-up appointment with the heart doctor who pronounced him A-OK!!!!  That’s great news about the stress test he took a week or 2 ago.  When we got home from that appointment, I started to put together a scalloped potato and ham casserole.  Phil’s wife Gale is out of town, so we invited him to dinner,


along with Joanne & Larry: 


I think everyone enjoyed dinner, and scattered right afterwards, which was great because that’s how the invitation was worded…’eat and go home J’.  We had also invited Anne & Bryce for dinner, but they didn’t make it back home in time….I told Anne to come over for leftovers and she left with a small casserole full, just enough for 2.  I headed back downstairs to sew on background (sometimes I think I’m going to be sewing on background FOREVER!!)  Around 9 I headed upstairs for TV with my honey.

Michael was up at 6 AM!!!  Saturday morning (4/26) to make it to his tee time….he came home with a smokin’ 82 around 2 PM and was very happy.  I spent the morning sewing background (while others slept the morning away),

jeez, louise....stop taking pictures of us!


but left at 11 AM to go to the Lake House.  They had a garage sale today…but I didn’t look at any of that….I just went for the hot dogs  J.  I’ve been dreaming about them for a year…they are the BEST (BG you know exactly what I mean J).  I sat and talked with several people I knew, then it was back to the grind….otherwise known as the sewing machine.  I have almost all of the blocks sewn into rows (just 2 more to go out of 17) and have also started sewing the beginning rows to each other (which totally hurts my brain, since you're sewing only 1/2 of a block with each row and it's easy to get a row, or part of a row turned upside down or headed left when it should head right!).  At 6 PM we got cleaned up and picked up Carol and Bob and headed into Charlotte for the last of our symphony pops concerts.  We watched the Charlie Chaplin movie CITY LIGHTS while the orchestra played the entire score.  It was wonderful, but I agree with what Bob said in the car on the way home…that he concentrates more on the movie, than on the score.  I was an early night; we were home by 10 and just watched a bit of TV before bed.

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