Wednesday, November 6, 2013

potato/carrot mash, meatloaf

We headed out to breakfast on Tuesday (11/5) at THE BIG VIEW and saw gas on the way home for $2.98…WHOO HOO…gas under 3 bucks!  Then it was off to BEST BUY for some Christmas presents, and a few other errands before heading home.  Carol and Ned came over to deliver my 150 pounds of soap making oil that they picked up from BG in Connecticut (I see soap making in my future later this week J).  By the time Joanne picked me up for Stitch & Chat, Michael was already making potato/carrot mash to go with the meatloaf I mixed up in the morning.  Once done, he whipped them into the crockpot to stay warm for dinner:


 Paula gave me a lift home (Joanne had tennis) and we stopped by Marilyn’s to drop off food for the pantry and the library to drop off knitting magazines before heading home.  Then we sat in the driveway and talked for about 45 minutes!  I came in, shaped the meatloaf (which was loaded with caramelized onions!)and popped it in the oven and got a grocery list made before it was time for dinner.  Anne & Bryce came over for dinner (meatloaf, potato/carrot mash, asparagus and rolls):
at 6 PM and left at 7 PM along with Michael, who was going to the movies.  I forced myself to go to the grocery store (last day of the sale) but it was worth it as I spend $32 and saved $22!  PLUS, the checkout lady told me how much she liked my sweater!  I knit the rest of the evening and am almost finished with another baby sweater.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I was in here for something other than GOLF!!!!!

    Luv Me


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