Friday, November 1, 2013

Michael left for golf on Wednesday (10/30) and I read a library book for most of the day!  I did have my usual wonderful talk with Janice in the morning, but after that, it was read, read, read….I liked the book, but felt like I had been dropped down into a series in the middle, so I’m going to look up the author’s other books and see what’s what.  Have I told you about this terrific website I found?  It lets you know the order of the book an author has written.  And if they have several different series that they have written, the website groups those all together.  You can find it at: and I use it all the time J.  Michael came home around 2, and despite shooting a 7 on a par 3 hole, and a 9 on a par 5 hole, Michael still came home with an 85.  We had leftovers for dinner and watched TV in the evening while I knit.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  Thursday was a lot of rushing around, first to quilting where we finished THREE charity quilt tops!  I got home after 1 and my honey made me a grilled ham & cheese sandwich for lunch, then I headed off to WALMART for some grocery shopping, then on to the airport to pick up Susan and Melanie, back from a 2 week trip to Malta.  Michael and I were like ships passing in the night for dinner and he left at 5:30 for a performance.  I had settled in to read a bit, then decided to get up and get a glass of water.  As I walked to the kitchen, I noticed Michael’s shirt (the one he wears in the play and brought home to launder) on the sofa!!!!!  I become hysterical and race downstairs to open up the cast list document that I luckily saved on my computer.  I find Sandy’s number (he’s car pooling with Sandy) and dial it as I race upstairs to grab keys, wallet, shirt and race to car.  I yell at her to pull the car over and explain why.  Luckily they are not very far away and I catch up within 10 minutes and hand off the shirt…..WHEW!!!!!  Back home again I have a calm and quiet evening, knitting, until Michael arrives home around 10:30.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was crazy about M's shirt and you catching up with them ! What a good wife !
    I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when M shot the 7 on a par 3 !!! MJ


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