Saturday morning (5/26)
Michael left early for golf (and eventually came home with an 83!!!) and I
managed to get a chocolate cake baked before my knitting students came. We had a really great 2 hour session, and when
they left I got back to cleaning. Once I
was done, it was time to layer and frost the cake. This was a new recipe for a chocolate cake
and the minute it came out of the oven, I already liked it better than any
others I have. I am tired of making
layer cakes that when you stack them, look no higher than a sheet cake!!! This completely filled 2 of my 9” pans, and
rose beautifully. When Inez was
visiting, I made a vanilla frosting that was supposedly ‘the best frosting ever’….it
was terrible. I’m sure part of the
problem was that I didn’t constantly stir the milk…but that’s neither here nor
there….Inez was totally not impressed with it.
She said she needed to send me her ‘mock whipped cream frosting’ recipe
that she used the entire time she was making and selling cakes. She sent it; I saved it and promptly forgot I
had it. So….I’ve got another one of those
‘the best frosting I ever ate recipes, and I’m formatting it in WORD and
getting ready to make it….when I remember Inez’s recipe. I decide that I am an idiot if I try another
recipe from the internet before trying hers….so I run downstairs to print it
off. I decided to make a double batch to
make sure I have enough frosting….OMG!!!!
I couldn’t believe I had to wait until the guests arrived to TASTE the cake…the
frosting was SO GOOD!!!!! Anyway, I got
the cake stacked and frosted:

and continued on to
make rolls and deviled eggs. A bunch of
our neighbors came over at 5:30 for a Memorial weekend kick-off dinner! The eleven of us managed to fit around the table with our plates frull of sweet potato casserole,
spinach/strawberry salad, potato salad, rolls, deviled eggs (notice the hand made pottery deviled egg holder):
ham and a fruit platter. Everything was so incredibly good! After dinner most of the guests ended up out
on the deck, checking out our garden:
Walt, Ken and Bryce |
a very pretty trio of Ginny, Ann Mary and Anne |
And finally we have Judith checking out the ever clowning around Jim! |
For dessert we had a
fabulous fruit trifle:
and the afore mentioned
cake (wich was also a prototype for my birthday passed!!!!):
It was a great party
and we’re really glad we decided to invite people over for the beginning of the
holiday weekend.