(6/7) we were up at o'dark hundred (5:25 AM) to leave for the airport with Joe
at 6 AM. The first mishap was that the
man at the USAIR desk gave us a credit card receipt (with his luggage tag
attached) for Michael instead of a boarding pass....of course we don't notice
this until we were ready to go through the scan at security....I take
everything and go through security while Michael runs back to the gate to get a
boarding pass. He catches up with me and
we head on to our gate. Even though we
got to the airport 2 hours before our flight.....Michael is still in line
buying breakfast as they are announcing 'all rows boarding...please board all
rows' for our flight!!! I am panicking
waiting for him to show up...I can see down the terminal that he is not even at
the cashier yet! He finally comes
running up to the gate and when we get inside and settle down he tells me that
he never saw anything like the bagel place....there were 5 people working there
and they were all fighting!! They
couldn't even get a bagel toasted...nobody seemed to know what was going
on....SHEESH!!! Anyway, we left at 8 AM
and after our 4 hour flight, we get to Las Vegas at 9 AM. By the time we get our luggage and our car
and get to the hotel, it is NOON. We
drop our stuff at the hotel (very plush) and split a burger for lunch. Our $12 burger comes with the world's
smallest bottles of catsup and mustard:
head off walking as soon as we are finished.
I have to say that Las Vegas is certainly an assault on the senses, both
indoors and out. When you are inside you
are generally walking through or near a casino and the noise is deafening. Plus, Vegas certainly seems to be the place
where everyone lets everything ‘all hang out’….whether it should be hanging out
or not (if you know what I mean J) When you are outside, the heat is an assault
(the first time we stepped into the street we both had the same thought and
Michael actually said 'I can feel the asphalt giving way under my feet!) Also, every 2 steps, people are trying to
hand you coupons or ads for their particular shows or casinos and regular
people are hawking ice cold water (that they got who knows where!). The other funny thing is...everything looks
like it is so very close...when it is really very far away. Whenever we would ask for directions to
someplace...most times they would give us a crazy look and try to talk us out
of it, because it was 108 in the shade and things are much farther away than
they appear. They were right....but we
ended up walking all over the place anyway
J. We ended up on gallery row with a Chihuly
Gallery (remember the Chihuly sculpture at the Bushnell in Hartford???)

MacDonald who does sculptures of Cirque du Soliel artists (incredible looking) and
the final gallery was a guy who does landscape photos. Although they don't look
like photos at all....they look like paintings on glass, with lights behind
them...incredible. We finally make it
back to the room around 3 PM and nap from 3 - 4. The wake up call at 4 PM also tells you the
temperature is 108 degrees...yep, official 'fry an egg on the sidewalk'
temp. We both take quick showers and
head off to the Mirage for dinner and a show.
We ate at FIN (Asian food) where Michael got a Golden Lotus drink :
he pronounced heavenly. After dinner we
headed to one of the cirque shows....THE BEATLES. The show used all Beatle music...Michael was
in heaven.
have seen cirque shows twice (once in Hartford and now Vegas) and there is
simply NO WAY to describe them to someone who has never seen one. All I can say is...if you have an matter what it should go. Michael and I walked around for another 1-1/2
hours after the show and we caught part of the volcano show at THE MIRAGE and a
teeny tiny bit of the water show at THE BELLAGIO. We walked through the BELLAGIO lobby to get
to the cab stand, and saw the HUNDREDS of Chihuly flowers (at a cost of hundreds of thousands I am sure) they have strung up
on the lobby ceiling:
We got
back to the hotel and finally turned out the lights at 11 PM...a very long day
indeed since our bodies thought it was 2 AM and we had been up since 5 AM!!
Saturday (6/8) we had a wake up call for 5:25
AM (temp was 86 at that time). We hopped
up and got ready for the limo which picked us up at 6. The restaurant in our hotel was not open at
that time, so I told the driver that we had to stop somewhere, even a fast food
drive through for something for breakfast.
He ended up taking us to a convenience store. I felt like I was in some supermarket game
show, running up and down the aisles, looking for something to eat for
breakfast. We finally found some
Nutri-grain bars and some Belvita cookies and we were on our way. About 20 minutes later he dropped us off at
the helicopter pad. We took a 45 minute
ride over and around Hoover Dam (where Michael noticed how low the water has dropped 120 feet in the last 20 years...and that represents a TON
of water lost L) and
the Grand Canyon, finally landing down at the bottom. We walked down to the water and took a boat
ride up and down a length of the canyon...spectacular views! Neither pictures, nor words can really convey
the vastness and height of the walls in the canyon. We hiked back up to the helicopter and went
up to the rim, where we caught a bus to the cantilevered bridge out over the Grand
Canyon (which is on the west rim, on land owned by the Hualapai Nation Indian
Tribe). The bridge is 4,000 feet above
the Colorado river…and believe you me…you see every inch of that 4,000 feet as
you look down – down – down through the glass!!
with Andrea, who we adopted on the bridge! |
she's from England and her hubby is afriad of heights, so he stayed behind |
it was on to the Guano Cafe for lunch....not a very appetizing name right? You DO know what guano means, don't you? Yep, that's right, it means bat poop. Apparently there was a huge bat cave nearby
and they set up a mining operation for the guano (they use it as fertilizer). They shipped it across the canyon on a zip
line. We finished lunch, saw many more
spectacular views and headed back on our helicopter ride. Michael got a beautiful skywalk t-shirt and
we got certificates from the Hualapai Nation for visiting the bridge. We hopped back into the limo for our ride
back to the hotel. It was only early
afternoon, but by then I felt like we had already put in a 12 hour day! We took a short nap, got cleaned up and headed
out early for dinner at THE LUXOR. It
was another fabulous dinner (Michael had KOBE beef and King Crab meat and I had
lobster risotto). Then it was off to the
Chris Angel - Mind Freak show. He is an
illusionist that Michael sometimes watches on television…and his illusions make
my brain hurt J. They are so incredible, you just can’t figure
out how he does it. We took another
walking tour of Vegas after the show and finally fell into bed just after 11.
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