Thursday, October 27, 2016

Leo DiCaprio's quilt (from pat W)

It was in the 30’s when we got up on Wednesday (10/26)…Br-r-r-r-r…but I guess we really can’t complain too much since a Connecticut friend sent me a picture last Saturday of the SNOW they had!!!!  SNOW!!!  BTW – I am OVER THE MOON on the profit for the Chocolate Event….we cleared $2626.00!!!  Truly, that is beyond my wildest dreams from when we started this endeavor….I hope the board of Volunteers is pleased as well. 

Michael left early for a golf tournament here at SCCL, while I headed to my studio with the goal of working on Pat’s quilt.  That’s what I spent my day on…have I told you about this quilt?  Her daughter Lisa’s favorite person in the whole wide world is Leonardo DiCaprio and her favorite color is purple….so Pat put a quilt together with those 2 loves.  She took ALL of Leo’s movies and found embroidery pictures to go with each one and stitched them out (all 28 movies!!!):   

look at the font....looks like blood....right?

She also had a head shot of Leo’s digitized:  

And threw in one or 2 of Lisa’s sentiments:  

By 7:30 when I called Janice….all of the quilting was done….YAY!  Janice and I talked until almost 9, then I headed upstairs for TV watching.

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