Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday (12/21) morning I went to yoga, then came home and had a quick breakfast before heading to the studio to work on my challenge.  The good news is: I got all of my 9 patch blocks done by lunchtime….the bad news is, I miscalculated how many I needed, and so. I have many additional strips cut  L.  I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do with them….still thinking about it.  I had a helper while I was sewing:
She seems to be saying “what…you don’t like my Christmas decorating?”  I continued to work on the other blocks in the challenge while Michael was at the movies seeing SHERLOCK HOLMES.  Barrie (former student) stopped by to pick up the shawl she made for her mom for Christmas.  She took my beginning knitting class…and took off like a ROCKET after that….this shawl:

was her FIRST project (and believe you me, it is NOT a beginner project in ANY way!!!  She is a phenomenal and FEARLESS knitter and has made lots and lots of knitted gifts for Christmas this year…and that’s after only taking the beginning class a few months ago.  Needless to say, she picks up things VERY quickly and is a joy to talk with about knitting…and everything else!

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