Monday, October 17, 2011

craft fair

Saturday (10/15) we were both up at 7 to be ready to get to the Lake House by 8.  Michael helped me to carry everything in, and start to get set up, then I sent him home.  He had to go over his lines and get a few other things done before his rehearsal at NOON.  I was all set up by about 9:30…and it was a good thing because a lot of people started shopping early (the fair was supposed to open at 10).  I think my display looked really lovely….because I had a lot of help setting up from people who have a better ‘eye’ for that sort of thing than I do! 

Beth came to help me and it was a good thing she did because we were busy for the whole 5 hours!!!  At one point, there was a group of women around the basket I had my small purses in….and it was like sharks around chum!!!  They were pulling out those purses and handing them around like crazy.  By the end of the day, I was so glad I had concentrated on making them, because I had only 3 left!  I had planned to mail my extras to Ginny, because she was convinced they would sell in a shop near her home, but I don’t have much to send!  My beaded necklaces all sold but one, but the biggest news was that I sold several of my woven shawls!  I was thrilled with how I did, and am glad to have the money, since I recently sent out 6 of my charity quilts to be quilted; now I can pay for them!  I truly had very little to pack up to bring home and that was a relief since I was exhausted.  Michael got home shortly after I did and we set up to have a driveway party.  We haven’t had one in AGES…and it was wonderful to sit around for a couple of hours, talking and laughing and snacking with our neighbors!  We came inside around 7 and relaxed and watched TV for the rest of the night.  I did start stringing beads for another necklace while we were watching.

Sunday morning Jan and I had a meeting in Pineville, then we went to breakfast and also hit Michael’s on the way home.  I spent the day and evening stringing and knitting on more beaded necklaces.  Michael had rehearsal from 3 – 7 and we relaxed in the evening.

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