Friday, June 8, 2012

beaded wall hanging

Thursday morning (6/7) I walked early with Beth, then got rolls dough put together and gathered up all of my supplies for quilting and took off.  I got the label sewn onto the back of the quilt:


 and also put in 2 additional rows of beads that Michael and I decided it needed.

As usual, we had a fabulous lunch (everyone always brings food for the first Thursday of the month).  Something funny happened while we were eating.  Loree was commenting on how good the food always is, and that we never have any duplicates.  Marsha said ‘right, and it’s always balanced between real food and dessert, even though we never tell anyone what to bring’….I said ‘excuse me’????  Then she laughed and said ‘ok, we do tell ONE person what to bring’, because they always tell me I’m only allowed to bring rolls!

In the afternoon, Michael moved the nail on the wall above the sliders, and we hung the beaded wall hanging up….we both love it! 

Here are a few more pics, I tried to get a few close-ups so that you could really see the beads(if you are in the blog itself, you should be able to click on any of the pictures to make them bigger):

We had a quiet dinner and watched TV while I continued to work on the finishing for my striped sweater.

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