Friday, June 22, 2012

tea for beaded wall hanging, entrelac - 3 rows

Thursday (6/21) I was up early to get everything done I was supposed to do Wednesday  J.  The ladies started arriving at 11 and we had a WONDERFUL time.  I had a lot of new people at this tea….mostly from my Thursday quilting group, but a few from Stitch ‘n’ Chat, since they also got to see some of the progress on the beaded wall hanging.  There was lots of great food…and incredible desserts…and the talking and laughing never stopped.  They all got a tour of the house and were most envious of my studio (which IS totally wonderful if I do say so myself!)

Sandy, Jeri and Loree

English Sue, Gerry, Anne and Rosemary

just SOME of the good food (wish I'd taken a picture of the desserts!

on the right that's Patsy in the blue and Nancy
who I 'play' with every T

I was very tired after everyone left and tried to read, but ended up taking a nap (along with Michael and Cookie) instead.  Just before 6 we headed to Jim and Linda’s house and they drove to Rock Hill for square dancing.  I did manage to get the 3rd row of my sweater going on the way. 

We had a fun time, although it was in a gymnasium type of building and the reverb off the walls made it hard to hear the calls.  We got home around 10:30 and I collapsed into bed while Michael stayed up for awhile to watch some TV.


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