Tuesday, June 19, 2012

original snowflakes

Monday (6/18) morning I made sure the house was all cleaned before leaving at 10 for my volunteer meeting.  By the time I got home, Michael was home from Pinehurst and got to tell me all about it.  He decided to take the dog for a walk in the early afternoon and I got to have a long talk with Mary Jo.  The only problem with talking on the phone with someone from CT is that I then want to SEE them and spend time with them too!!  I worked on more snowflakes in the afternoon and finished 2 more (and a third one Tuesday morning): 

before heading to square dancing for 3 hours in the evening.  Tim (our caller) really had us working up a sweat and we both took additional showers when we got home at 9:30!

1 comment:

  1. Ornaments look really cool!! Are they glued? They don't look like they use much fabric...


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