Saturday, January 21, 2012

ruffle-y scarves, new ornament

Friday morning (1/20) I was up early for a walk with Beth, then my knitting clinic student arrived at 9.   A couple cancelled, so it was just Barrie and me and that was terrific since we haven’t seen each other in forever and had a lot to talk about.  Barrie left at 11 and Beth picked me up at 11:15 for a luncheon with the ladies.  We had a fun time, and when I got home around 3, I got to get a lot done in my studio.  I sewed in the ends on a bunch of scarves I had previously knit:

and began making ornaments for our Christmas tree for this year:

1 comment:

  1. OK, I think I'm gonna have to know how you made that Christmas ornament....


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