Friday, February 22, 2013

Elsie & Cookie

Michael left around 10AM for golfing on Wednesday (2/20), and I tried to be productive, but whatever I ate on Tuesday night did NOT agree with me in a big way.  I spent the whole day feeling like someone was twisting and turning and walking on my stomach!  I got a tiny bit of sewing done, and a LOT of sitting around done.  Michael came home clearly unhappy about his performance on the golf course and we spent a quiet evening at home.

Thursday morning (2/21) I was out of the house by 8 AM to hit the grocery store and the chiro office before picking up Jan at 9:20 for quilting.  I can’t speak for Jan, but I certainly got a lot of listening done…and a tiny bit of sewing done  J.  Sometimes people just have important things they want to talk about.  Jan wanted to stop at the BBQ place on the way home to inquire about some shirts her son had ordered at Christmas time, so we decided we might as well have lunch while we were there.  I finally got home around 3 PM and spent the afternoon and most of the evening in the studio….where very surprisingly (because Michael was upstairs the entire time) I had company:

Cookie has moved further onto Elsie

shifting postions

settling in again

1 comment:

  1. Those are the best pictures yet!!!!!

    LoveU Michael


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