Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Joan's quilt loaded

Brrr_r_r…winter roared back with a vengeance Monday morning (1/4); it was 32 when we got up.  One of Michael’s golfing guys dropped out, but the rest seemed willing to play, so he made his usual spinach and mushroom omelet before heading out around 9 AM.  Well…he TRIED to head out, but the car had a flat tire!!  So, he called someone to come and pick him up, while I called Triple A to come and fix the flat.  I got Joan’s quilt loaded up
and the first row stitched out while I putzed around, still cleaning my studio.  Pat and I went pool walking at 2 PM (yes…we’re hoping to get back into a regular schedule now that the holidays are gone) and Michael and I got home at the same time.  He was DOG TIRED…..they walked all 18 holes and he said it was another slog through the mud and they were all exhausted.  We both read our books until dinner, then stopped for spaghetti & meatballs before settling in to knit and watch TV.

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