Sunday, January 17, 2016

crockpots, started feather bargello, Quilt of Valor, champagne & puffy things

We had a very relaxing day on Saturday (1/16).  I put the ham bone in our big crockpot to make stock, and got lactaid milk in the smaller crockpot to make yoghurt for Michael.   

 Our handyman came by and fixed the weather stripping on 2 of our doors, and also fixed our bathroom door so that it didn’t stick anymore.  I spent most of the day in the studio, getting my 4 patch off of the frame and trimmed, and starting the new bargello with my strata.  

 After that I got a Quilt of Valor from QUILT_A_HOLICS (which was unexpectedly dropped off on my front porch!) loaded up on the frame.  

Michael and I have had rather a rough week or so all things considered, so you know what that means….champagne and puffy things for dinner to cheer us up and to celebrate the successful conclusion of that little rough patch.  We had those smurfy scallop stuffed shells….

some mini-quiches…and some egg rolls.   After that, Michael wanted to watch some “blood and guts” TV, so I got a bit further and quilted several rows on the QofV quilt before bed.

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