Saturday, December 19, 2015

10 finished quilts for Sterling School

Michael left at 9 AM to do a bazillion errands (chiro & Triple A, Aldi’s, library, insurance office, etc) on Friday morning (12/18), while I headed downstairs to play all day in my studio.  I forgot to tell you that I took the THREE DUDES QUILT to quilting yesterday for show and tell, and to turn in for Sterling School.  That is my 10th single bed sized quilt for this year to Sterling….I am happy, happy, happy!! it is...a reprise of the year in Sterling School quilts:

Of course, this is the quilt I used to hide MIchael's Christmas quilt under last year:
I loved this pattern and want to do it again!

the first jelly roll I ever bought

The next 2 quilt tops were originally made to go in our front bedroom....but how could I keep them when no one really sleeps in the front bedroom any more....and there are kids out there who have never had a bed to sleep in?

Then I made 2 blooming 9-patch rainbow quilts...and I'm sure I'll do more because I just loved these:

I was so intrigued by this illusions pattern I just had to do it....but in rainbow colors of course:

I had previously made 2 tops for MIchael and me to put over the backs of our living room chairs, but then I made other quilts we liked better, so I cannabalized them to make just one quilt that was big enough for a Sterling School quilt:

And then of course, I finally finished the original quilt I started for Michael in September of 2014.   Since I had started all over again and made a second one that he got for Christmas, this first one went to Sterling:

 And finally, the THREE DUDES quilt that I made using up fabric I bought with Mary Jo in Paducah when we went...oh so many years ago:

I spent the afternoon working on the binding of the second dino quilt, and just after dinner I got a customer quilt loaded up and the program set to start quilting it Saturday.  Michael and I got TOY STORY 1 & 2 from the library, and we settled in to watch the first one and I got the label stitched down to totally finish the dino quilt…pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great job - thanks for the reprise. I'm sure there are some happy and grateful kids enjoying them ! MJnCT


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