Thursday, January 21, 2016

cinnamon french toast, old recipe card

Apparently Michael had been dreaming overnight about cinnamon French toast, so he ran to the store first thing for a loaf of cinnamon bread and a few other items on Wednesday morning (1/20).  

 That gave me a chance to pull out an oldy but goody soup recipe.  I had not had split pea soup in YEARS!  Michael doesn’t like it at all, so I have fallen off of making it.  Then last year a friend made a big batch and I traded a quart of my homemade soup for a quart of their split pea soup….OMgoodness…it was yummy.  So, since I had a lot of ham stock from the ham bone I boiled earlier….I got split pea soup it the crockpot (YAY third soup day in a row)…check out my recipe:   

 At least one of my readers should recognize it....yep, it is from my old college roommate Debbie P (now Debbie know...they put us together freshman year and we decided we were meant to be together since we were both Debra Jean's, and both had dogs named Taffy and fathers named Harold.  Fast forward a bunch of years and we're still doing it...we both married men whose last names start with "D"...and neither one is a very common name :~).  She probably wrote that out for me in the late 70's...where does the time go....sigh...

I spent the rest of the day finally finishing the quilting on that customer quilt.  I was glad to be done with it, and I spent the rest of the afternoon sewing in my bobbin ends as there were a lot.  I had the split pea soup for dinner (and it was absolutely yummy….Michael had Italian Wedding Soup) and I took a quart over to Anne & Bryce (who called to say yum....and that they snarfed it down), and packaged up a quart for Loree & Reg as well.  Michael and I watched just a bit of TV before my 7:30 SKYPE with Janice, which of course only worked part of the time.  After that…it was snuggling with my honey for a bit of TV before bed.

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