Thursday, December 31, 2015

turkey carcass, granola, loaded up reading quilt, blue leftovers quilt totally finished, amaryllis, Clinton hats

****I’m writing this as another reminder.  If you see/read the blog entries by getting an email (which generally comes between NOON and 1 PM), and you would like to leave me a comment….replying to the email does absolutely NOTHING!  If you look at the address when you hit the reply button, the address will say “no-reply blogger”…and it goes off into cyberspace…never to be seen again.  If you want to send me an email, you must FORWARD the email you get from the blog, and type in my email address.  The only way to leave a comment is to go to the blog itself (there IS a link at the bottom of the email) and to leave the comment in the open box at the bottom of each post.  No matter how old the post it, I will see the comment, because they have to be approved by me before they are posted.  So each day when I sign on to write something, my sign on automatically shows me any comments made since the day before, no matter what post they are attached too.  All blogs work this way…you can’t just reply to the email.  Is this clear as mud now?***

It was raining again when we got up on Wednesday (12/30), so Michael cancelled out of golf and headed to the grocery store for mushrooms and spinach to make his breakfast omelet.  I got Pat’s turkey carcass (along with some frozen veggie peelings from my own freezer) into the crockpots while he was gone, 

and also made up a sheet pan of granola to bake for an hour:  
before baking....

part way through.....


 I spent the rest of the day in the studio, happily sewing, quilting, binding, etc.  I finished the quilting on the bargello and loaded up the “reading” quilt right behind it, with just about an inch to spare.  
glad I loaded a double length of backing

 I also worked on the blue “leftovers” quilt and it is finally, totally finished.   

I didn't think I'd get this done til January....oh well...

After Michael planted the amaryllis bulb that Paula gave us for Christmas, 

 he came down to play a couple games of pool while I was sewing, and we watched a bit of TV together.  We had leftover ham, etc for dinner, then I spent an hour SKYPING with Janice before heading upstairs around 8:30 PM.  Michael was just finishing up a chapter in his book, so I got the turkey stuff out of the crockpot and into the fridge, before we settled in front of the TV for the rest of the evening.

When I went to Stitch & Chat on Tuesday, I got 2 more beautiful hats for Clinton School…this group had been absolutely wonderful and generous with their money, their time and their yarn!

1 comment:

  1. Has there been a single blog post in 2015 that does not include you preparing trays or pots or crocks of food?
    Happy New Year!


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