Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Friday (4/20) was a great day….Michael had rehearsal in the morning for 3 hours, then headed to an ear appointment.  I got Baked Potato Soup made in the morning, and in the afternoon finally got to visit with Nancy.  We had a great time together…and got into trouble as well.  We are bad for each other as far as yarn acquisition!!!  I told her that while I was in the waiting room at the hospital I was knitting.  One of the nurses stopped in to see me and we talked at length.  She mentioned a sweater she had just finished that sounded intriguing.  I hadn’t looked it up yet, so Nancy and I decided to do that.  Well, of course, we both want to do the sweater and of course, we both wanted to look for yarn RIGHT THEN and we found something and have decided to order it!!!  As I said, we are bad for each other J.  Nancy left around dinnertime and Michael and I relaxed for the rest of the night.

Saturday Michael left for golf and managed to get in 18 holes before the rain came.  I made a coffee cake in the morning before my knitting students came at 9.  We had a good time (as usual) and they enjoyed a bite of coffee cake before leaving at 11.  I got a bit of reading done in the afternoon, and it was champagne and puffy things for dinner while we watched BEST IN SHOW.

Sunday morning (4/22) I made waffles for breakfast.   We had to give up our bike ride because it was rainy and cold…so I worked in the studio for a bit while Michael cleaned up the kitchen.  I put together rolls after that (they are supposed to be a knock off recipe of the Outback’s brown bread) and took them over to Phil and Gale’s along with baked potato soup and some coffee cake.  Michael went to rehearsal (it sounded totally useless, and he spent 3-1/2 HOURS there!!!) and came home with a few groceries.  We had Italian Wedding soup for dinner and watched TV before bed.
Monday (4/23) morning I got ham/bean/barley soup in the crockpot before leaving to pick up Inez at the airport!!!!!!  We had a little bit of a mix-up, I never got her cell phone number, and I gave her the wrong one for me, or it was written down wrong…but anyway…we finally connected!!!  We did a few errands on the way home, then sat and talked and talked and talked!!!  Susan and Joe came over for dinner (the crockpot soup and brown bread rolls) and then it was TV and a bit of sewing before bed.

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