Thursday, January 10, 2013

celery, daffodils, roses, baby quilt, challah

Thursday (1/3) I was up early to pull together my quilting stuff and get to the church by 9:30.  We had a small, but congenial group and lunch was wonderful.  Almost everyone left at 1 to attend a funeral at the church, but June and I stayed behind.  June lost her not-yet-3-years-old granddaughter about 2 months ago, and I got a chance to sit and listen for 2 hours as she talked out a lot of her feelings.  I was very glad that she felt comfortable enough to talk to me, and also that there were only 2 of us in the hall.  She followed me home at 3 PM to pick up a book I thought she might like, talking about some of things both of us had talked about.

While I was at quilting, my honey took two good pictures…the second celery bottom I planted is coming up:

and we also have daffodils blooming in the front garden:

When Michael got home from a few holes of golf, we both read for a bit, then it was dinner and back to working on the baby quilt.  The top was finally finished by bedtime.

Friday morning (1/4) my friend Connie stopped by for a visit and I got to see the new shawl and scarf that she has started.  I spent time in the studio pulling out scraps of fabric to finish a UFO Christmas table runner from 2011!!  I got all of my strips cut, and pinned in the order I’m going to add them…so I will be all set to go the next Thursday available to sew on this at quilting.  Michael ran a few errands in the morning, and brought me home this:

the color on these roses is just incredibly beautiful and unusual (and note the vase...made by Walt!).  In the evening Michael and I watched a bit of TV before bed.
Michael and Ralph went golfing Saturday morning (1/5) it was cart path only, so they played from the closer tees and basically just practice golfed.  I got the baby quilt layered with polar fleece on the back:

and got a bit of knitting done on my entrelac sweater.

Sunday and Monday I spent most of my time knitting.  I’m determined to get back on track with my entrelac sweater, otherwise next winter will be here and I still won’t have it done!

I had my typical Tuesday (1/8) yesterday and it was terrific.  I spent the morning with Nancy…talking and talking and talking….came home and made a quick yoghurt shake before heading off to knitting with Joann.  When I got home I got to roll out and braid dough for challah bread:

BG made it a couple of weeks ago and hers looked absolutely heavenly….she sent the recipe and I got to make it for dinner Tuesday….along with spaghetti, tossed with homemade pesto and chopped cherry tomatoes….YUM!!  Jan and Walt came for dinner, then the guys went to the movies and Jan and I sat and talked while Cookie mostly slept in her lap.

Michael left early for golf on Wednesday (1/9) coming home later with an 88.  I ran errands in the morning, then spent a lot of the afternoon quilting the baby quilt.  By 7 PM it was all quilted and I headed upstairs to read for a bit before bed.

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