Monday, March 2, 2020

waffles, customer quilt loaded, deer

Michael and I put together waffle batter before we went to bed Saturday night….so it was blueberry waffles and bacon for breakfast on Sunday morning (3/1):  

Mary Jo - I found a nice egg pattern when I opened the box to get out eggs for my breakfast:  

That gave us a nice leisurely start to our morning, so it was close to NOON by the time I started quilt-y stuff for the day.  

First up was getting my customer quilt loaded and basted:  

I think this quilt is for her daughter-in-law, and she wanted 2 suits incorporated in the from her grandmother and one from her grandfather.  When I saw my customer working on it at SHQ, I really didn't think I would like it, but I think she did a beautiful job putting it together and it is a nice looking quilt!

While I was working, we had visitors at least 3 separate times during the day:  

At one time I saw 4 of them at once!!  

Michael left at 3:30 for the beginning of H_LL WEEK for the play….opening night is just 5 nights away!!!  I got the program set up on my quilt while he was gone and got several rows stitched out:  

Michael was home around 7ish and we settled in to knitting and TV watching.

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