Friday, March 13, 2020

SHQ Show & Tell

Michael packed my car on Thursday (3/12), I picked up Paula, and we headed off to quilting.  It was a small group today, so not a ton of show and tell:  

this will be a Beds=Dreams from Linda

Paula went crazy making quilts for the Pregnancy Center....although this one is from a class I taught here when we first moved in....BG....recognize it??

I hope you enjoyed that show and tell, because you’re not likely to see any more any time soon…..quilting has been cancelled for the foreseeable future.  I am very disappointed in this response, but that’s neither here nor there….what I want to talk about is other people who feel it is right to impose their thoughts/actions on me.  When Loree arrived at quilting, I said ‘‘I’m surprised you didn’t get calls this morning’’.  She said ‘’oh I did….people wanting to know if quilting was cancelled’’.  Now, that’s just silly because if it had been cancelled, Loree would definitely have sent out an email saying so.  But then some (or maybe 1…I don’t know) went on to say that we SHOULD cancel quilting.  

Most of you who know me know that I hate that ‘s’ word (should).  And to me, when one of our members says we should cancel, they are encroaching on my right to attend.  I feel everyone should be free to make that decision for themselves.  OK, my soap box is over except to say I can’t believe the hysteria this is engendering.  Less than 1/2 of the American public get flu shots each year….but we’re not cancelling the world because of the flu!  But, as I said in the beginning....the point is moot because quilting has been cancelled.

Michael left for a performace at 5:30, and Paula came down around 6 PM.  We didn’t have the champagne….but we definitely had puffy things for dinner:  

She brought her stuffed jalapenos and I made sausage cheese balls.  Everything was scrumptious and we both enjoyed watching YOU”VE GOT MAIL for the rest of the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Well said - I agree the world is in a panic and TRUMP started it all with his half ass response!



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