Sunday, March 8, 2020

Paula's first quilt finished, new QoV blocks moving along, janice's table runner

I have to tell you that this is my LEAST favorite day of the year!!!  Even though we only lose an hour, I always feel like the day FLIES BY so makes me sad  :~(  If ever there was a perfect day to stay in bed all day.....THIS IS IT!!!

My honey took off for golf Saturday morning (3/7), but when he came home at 2 PM he said ‘I really shouldn’t golf on the Saturday of H_LL week’.  He was just too tired and didn’t play a couple of the holes.  

I got a little of my quilting mojo back and finally finished Paula’s first quilt: 

and continued to work on my new QoV.  I got the first set of borders sewn on all 30 blocks:  

When my honey finally did come home we both took a nap!!!  

Dinner was fish sandwiches from BO JANGLES (definitely too crunchy, we will drop back to ARBY’s), after which he left for the second night of the play, while I got a bit more sewing done.  I have the first 1/2 of the second border done on most of my blocks:  

I was dead asleep when my honey got home!!!

In other fun, quilt-y news, Michelle (Janice & Dennis's oldest daughter) will be visiting starting tomorrow, and Janice finished the table runner for Michelle that she started on retreat....Janice made it reversible:

And, although you kind of saw this when I was talking about leaders and enders, I wanted to do a specific pic of the cutest acrylic table that Reg built for my new machine:

I adore it, it is just the perfect size!!!  

And I am finally feeling a bit better about this machine.  Once I started sewing with it, I kept having problems with the thread breaking, and Reg took it back several times to fix it.  The latest thing had me dreading when my bobbin ran out.  I would insert a new bobbin (and it has a bobbin case with a very definite CLICK when you put it in the right place), but the top thread would break every strip and a half I was sewing.  It would take me sewing about 60 inches...and then it would make a loud noise and make me jump every time.  I would procrastinate about sewing on it!!  
Anyway, I had to change a bobbin yesterday and I decided that maybe the take up lever had to be in exactly the right spot for the bobbin to be fully in....THAT finally did the trick!!!  There is a teeny tiny window of where the take up lever must be for that thread breakage not to happen.  I changed the bobbin yesterday morning, using my new found knowledge, and I sewed all day with no broken threads.....YAYAYAYAY!!!

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