Sunday, March 29, 2020

some labels done

Saturday (3/28) was day 4 of bike riding and day 4 of golf (Mon-Thur-Fri-Sat) as well :~).  By the time I got all of my chores done, it was 11 AM and I headed to the studio.  I am bartering with another Thursday quilter…we are exchanging binding services for quilting services, so my focus for Saturday was making binding and labels.  I got binding done for 2 of my QoV’s and also 4 labels done:  

I also finished off quilting on the second QoV on the frame, only 1 more to load up and quilt:  

It was a beautiful afternoon and Michael and I spent time on the lanair before picking up our fish sandwiches from ARBY’s for dinner.  I just wasn’t even motivated to clean up my labels while watching TV…I just sat there……I’ve gotta STOP that….this time is too precious to waste.

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