Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Paula's second quilt, Mcihael and Larry, AJ

My honey was out early again on Tuesday (3/10) for routine blood work before his doctor’s appointment next week, along with stops at the post office (and an hour later), WALMART.  He got home in time to wash up before leaving for a lunch date with his LLB group.  

My focus was quilting on Paula’s second quilt:

same pattern, different color thread

and by dinnertime, it was done:  

While that was stitching out, I got all of my newest QoV blocks sewn into rows (yes, I’m missing the last row in this picture, but it’s done):  

Michael left at 5:30 PM for a pick-up rehearsal and cast party, and I watched TV and knitted while he was gone.

Here's a pic someone took at one of Michael's performances last weekend:

Michael & Larry

And with a birthday in the coming week, here's the almost 3 year old:

Doesn't time fly.....sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Faster and faster--- I hate it and fear it!!

    Love you --ME


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