Tuesday, March 17, 2020

cinnamon bread, new finished QoV top


Michael was up at 6 AM Monday (3/16) for golfing in Lancaster, while I followed before 7 AM.  My morning was spent making bread since there’s none in the house.  I considered making only one loaf since people are self-quarantine-ing and may not appreciate us showing up at their door, but then Michael asked if one loaf could be made into cinnamon bread….so that’s what I did:  

I rolled the second loaf of dough out flat

laved it with butter

sprinkled with cinnamon/sugar and patted it down

I read my book while waiting for it to rise and bake: 

so I didn’t make it to my studio until early afternoon.  

My goal is to get Judy’s quilt done as soon as possible, so that is what I worked on.  It is an antique quilt top, made mostly with feed sacks.  I believe she told me where she picked it up, but I don’t remember.  The blocks are not all the same size and it is very bumpy, so I had to keep a very close eye on it to prevent any pleats from sneaking into the quilting.  My honey came home around 2:30, having shot an 81 with TWO birdies!!  He spent time with me downstairs, working on his emails.  

By dinnertime Judy’s quilt was done:  

and I was happy!!  I also worked on the second binding for the QoV and by 9 PM (Michael had a lot of TV he wanted to watch by himself), it was done as well:  

Michael said this is his favorite QoV!!

Look at this beautiful mother and daughter:

And instead of indoor acitivities, they are enjoying the beautiful outdoors:


  1. I love your Quilt of Valor design. So simple but so much impact! Some Vet will be happy to be awarded it!

  2. Only your Coffee cake on Steroids is better than the cinnamon bread!!! Me


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