Monday, March 16, 2020

Cookie, Lucy, Ethel, Pam & Rosalie, Anne

Michael and I were up late Saturday night, celebrating the end of the play… once again, we were very late getting up Sunday morning (3/15).  I said to Michael ‘’if the corona virus is going to take me out, I’m not going without a donut in my hand’’.  So, he drove to Krispy Kreme to buy us donuts for breakfast (along with stops at CVS and Harris Teeter).  It has easily been over a year since I had a donut and let me tell you something….IT WAS HEAVEN!!!!!  Eventually we finished breakfast and both headed downstairs...with furry company all curled up on her blankie and pillow:

I got Paula’s QoV off of the frame and got the bobbin ends woven in and the basting ripped out and trimmed away the excess, and got Judy’s quilt all loaded up:  

Pam and Rosalie stopped by to peruse some yarn that was being given away:  

and we talked for about 1-1/2 hours.  After inspecting the yarn, and particularly the large plastic bag it came in, Ethel retired to a favorite 'Cookie' spot:

Anne also stopped by for a short visit, and of course was mobbed by her favorite fan:  

I got the second border put together for my QoV, but didn’t get it put on…instead I did a little straitening up of my studio, with Lucy for company:

My honey had also brought home fresh pierogis for dinner, and he sautéed them up with lots of onions and served them with a blob of sour cream on the side…..again….HEAVEN!!!  

I swear we are still getting over the effects of Daylight Savings Time and the play, so it was a relaxing and quiet TV watching evening.

I thought this was a fascinating look at how epidemics spread.  It certainly allowed me personally to understand how self quarantine and suspension of ALL large groups really helps to limit the spread of the virus, something I did not realize : 

1 comment:

  1. Posted your Washington Post article on my FB page. Best explanation I've seen.


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