Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday morning I left for quilting and spent the 2 hours there binding off Jan’s knitted shawl…with 441 stitches it took that long to get it done.  But now, she just has to sew it together and it will be ready for her cruise on June 24th.  Once home, I had a quick lunch, then packed up stuff for the commercial shoot and we left at 1:30 PM to get there by 3.  We were barely there on time (they gave us the wrong directions once we exited the interstate), and hurried back to the break room to meet up with everyone else.  What a racket this is…..they paid us lots of money to film us for a training video.  I’m sure we were the ‘don’t do this’ employees’!!!  We were done by 6 and decided to eat dinner there to let the work traffic thin out before heading home.  We were home by 8 and relaxed with the TV for the rest of the evening.  I got to weave on my new shawl a bit and have over 50 inches done.

The evening REALLY got interesting after we went to bed…..NOW….get your minds out of the gutter!  Michael had already fallen asleep and after lying there for 45 minutes, I decided I was having one of my insomnia attacks and decided to get up and read a bit.  I got out of bed, and took a step….WHOA….my lower back was killing me….took another step and fell to the floor.  I could NOT move; the pain was so bad.  So, I lay there on the floor for a bit, trying to decide what to do.  I guess for the long drive in the car I didn’t have a seat positioned anywhere near correctly, and was paying for it.  I thought I’d at least better take some Tylenol, but I couldn’t move.  Finally I decided I had no choice but to wake my honey up.  He got up, got me Tylenol, put some icy hot pain patches on my lower back, positioned 2 pillows under me and covered me with an extra blanket.  I was pretty comfortable on the floor and I asked him to go back to sleep because I knew he had an early tee time and there wasn’t anything else he could do!  After about an hour on the floor I could finally get up, but I still wasn’t sleepy.  I sat in the living room for an hour reading and finally went to bed about 2.  I’m moving VERY SLOWLY this morning (Friday), but hope to hit the chiropractor on my round of errands today.

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