Friday morning was spent cleaning to get ready for the 30 people arriving for a pot luck dinner at 5:30!! Michael left for rehearsal before everyone came and I was in the bathroom at 5:15, taking the pins out of my hair when the doorbell rang! I let the first (early!) guests in, got my hair finished and came out to greet everyone. They all seemed to have a great time and we left for the theatre around 6:45, joining up with 14 other people! The play was terrific….and Michael was terrific….after seeing the play I can TOTALLY understand why Michael is exhausted every night when he gets home.
We didn’t really sleep very late on Saturday…I was up by 8 to pull all of my stuff together for the open house, pottery and weaving fair from 10 – 3 on Saturday and 1 – 4 on Sunday. I got there at 9 and finished setting up the rest of my items. Here are 2 pics of some set-up:

We had a steady stream of people all day, so that was very good…and again I sold a bunch of stuff… about 8 scarves, one shawl and all but 2 necklaces. I balanced our accounts at the end and had time to run home and change my clothes before Bob picked me up at 4:30. I had my debut with REFLECTIONS, the 40’s band I told you about. As one of my blog readers put it…I’m now a SHFS (smokin’ hot 40’s singer!!) I got to sing MISTY and WHERE OR WHEN. It was a thrilling experience and one couple and another woman in the audience came up to me after our set and told me I had a beautiful voice and that they really enjoyed hearing me!!! That was terrific….I got home at 10:15,,,,just 10 minutes before Michael called to say he was heading home from his next-to-the-last performance of the play.
Sunday morning we were moving very slowly…I got the ends sewn in on 2 other scarves that I took to the second day of the fair…and promptly sold! Michael had his last performance, then came home to pick me up for the cast party. I didn’t know what to make, and didn’t really have much time or energy, so I ended up taking rolls. I thought it was kind of a funny thing to take to a cast party (and it was!) but everyone loved them, so that was good. One of the cast members hosted the party, and they live in a mansion….literally! the house was HUGE and beautifully decorated (but not fussy) with many amazing details. I LOVED the house…but am awfully glad I’m not the one who has to clean it J. We got home around 10 and just collapsed into bed.
Monday morning we were up early to drive into Charlotte with Howard and George for our segway tour of Charlotte. We ended up having the same guide as last year!! It was lots of fun (just like last year) and afterwards we had a smurfy lunch at the diner across the street. When we got home around 2, Michael and I collapsed into bed and took a 2 hour nap. We’ve both been running pretty hard lately and we really needed it. We spent the evening relaxing and watching TV, although I did get warped up and began weaving on 2 new rayon chenille scarves in blue…I LOVE them!