Friday, September 27, 2019

SHQ Show & Tell, new sewing machine

Michael was up and out early for golf at Chester on Thursday (9/26), while I followed a bit more slowly.  I got to quilting early to set up as I was a hosting quilter for today.  Mary B came in and said she LOVED THE DREAM DAUGHTER…..I’ve put it on hold for Loree  :~).  

Someone at quilting asked about my book reading….and yes, I generally read 2 – 3 books per week.  I like to find what are called ‘cozy mystery’ series and start ordering 2 – 3 books at a time from the library.  As I finish them, I bring them in for Loree…thank goodness we generally like the same types of books.  I also throw in self help books, diet books (if reading about dieting made you thin, I would be a wisp on the air!!), and other regular stories that people have recommended to me.  I only mention a few of them in the blog.....ones that really helped me or spoke to me.  I LOVE to read and fit it in wherever I can!  

AND, I picked up my new sewing machine:  

it's an older Kenmore

I want to make a few more rope totes, and I don’t think my lightweight Janome can handle them.  I don’t want to ruin my machine, so I asked Paula (who reads the classifieds every day) to keep an eye out for a machine for me.  She found one from a lady here, but to make a long story short, Reg looked at it and said it was absolutely not worth buying (it was all rusted).  Shortly after that a friend of Loree’s gave Loree a machine that she wanted to get rid of.  Reg checked it all out and said it was a great machine.  Loree was not interested in keeping it (well, actually she WAS interested…but was trying to be sensible and not end up with any more machines  :~) and when she said ‘no’, Reg said he was going to sell it.  Loree said ‘hold on…I know just the person’ and voila…I am now the proud owner of a new machine  :~). 

We had an extra host at quilting, so I left after show and tell:  

these blocks are teeny, tiny!

breast cancer qult

a stunning one block wonder out of Christmas fabric

I don't think the colors show well in this was much prettier in person

June is continuing to make pretty place mats out of leftovers for meals on wheels....recognize it BG??

and the start of another one

Gee continues to make really cute clothes

and hit the library and the grocery store on the way home.  

I wanted to get home early anyway….I have chicken to use up and wanted to make Elephant Chicken Soup for my neighbor who had to go for another infusion today.  We have also been out of bread for about a week, so I needed to get that going as well.  

Elephant Chicken Soup....yum!!

I’ve also given away around 10 small plates of baking goodies over the last couple of days (I'm now out of small plastic plates!!), and other than the lemon tart and the few things Michael wanted to eat, everything else is gone!!  

I spent most of the afternoon making the soup and bread and delivered dinner to my neighbor around 5:30 PM (the soup and 1/2 a loaf of oatmeal bread).  

Michael and I had leftovers for dinner and settled in for some TV watching.  I got the first season of STAR TREK:DISCOVERY from the library and we watched the first 3 episodes.  I’m disappointed to say that I don’t think we’ll watch the rest of the season….we both found it very dark. 

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