Thursday, September 26, 2019

Baking with Inez 2019 Tour....the end

Wednesday (9/25) was a bittersweet day….Inez and I had a quick breakfast, then it was off to the airport.  I think we had a wonderful week together, and although we didn’t bake everything on our list…we did throw in 2 extra things!!!  She has already sent me an email with a suggestion for the first item for next year!!!  

I stopped at a furniture store on the way home and was home by 10:30 and got my blog out before 11:30…and then collapsed on the sofa for a very welcome nap!  I didn’t get to nap long before Michael was home from the golf range, and I headed over to Kristen’s for the afternoon.  She wanted me to look at a quilt she was loading up, and we haven’t seen each other in a long time, so there was lots to get caught up on.  

I was home in time for leftovers for dinner and vegging on the couch in the evening.

I did manage to get one more block done on the leading quilt while Inez was here:

This quilt has been moving at a snail's pace...but now that I won't be baking as much, hopefully it will start to move faster  :~).

Janice has finished her Carolina Scrap Quilt and it is stunning:  

Now she’s going to settle in to read THE DREAM DAUGHTER…can’t wait to see if she likes it.

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